by Ricarda Wegmann @

Write a story that could feature this image. It does not have to be a children's story, but think about how your writing can reflect this playful or sentimental scene.
My Kitten 🐈⬛
My parents were all hush hush today - sneaking around and I heard strange sounds from a cardboard box. I felt an urge to open it but I stopped myself… later on, when Tom my brother went to bed they excitedly called me over. They opened the box and I saw two ebony beady eyes looking up at me lovingly. It was a KITTEN my dream had come true the day had finally arrived. I picked up the small fluffy ball and highered him up in the air and brought him back down and kissed his pink little nose. I was exhilarated I would not be lonely ever and I knew I would always have fun and have a friend for life!!! He was so cute I instantly loved him and I felt that he loved me back!!! He licked me on the hand which means he kissed me (as I looked it up on my phone)!! Hehe it was the happiest day of my entire life!!! 🥰😘