
My little brother has always had a wild imagination. When we used to play house, he would come up with these huge stories at the top of his head for our characters and dolls. When we would watch Marvel and play superheroes and villains, he would make up wonderful backstories for his role while mine was just trying to pick up litter. That’s why when he started telling us he’d see a man following him and waving to him, we didn’t necessarily believe him. Just in case though, my mom contacted his school and started making him take the bus instead of walking home with his friends. That never helped though. It started getting creepy when he would describe the man to us at dinner as if he were an old family member; dark blonde hair with blood shot eyes...multiple eyes. And a mouth you could barely make out but the ridged teeth made it quite clear not to mess with him. I used to call my brother a freak for saying this kind of stuff. Now I’d give anything to take back those words. It’s been five days since he’s gone missing and I’m starting to believe his tall tale was true, because at night, when the only thing I can hear is a light buzz from night, I hear a coarse voice in my head, whispering “you should’ve listened. Listen.” Until it gets so loud I have to do anything else to distract myself. Five days go by so fast. Five days go by so fast when you start to realize the voice isn’t in your head, but rather something outside by my window, scratching to get inside.

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