Last Night Alive

The day had finally come my actions were finally catching up to me in the form of a bullet to the head. I decided to spend my last evening alive sitting on my pier watching the sun set. There was no point fighting, no point in resisting the inevitable as then I would be hunted for ever more.

I walked out onto the wooden platform that jutted out over the smooth water. I had barely spent anytime at home, prioritising my job over my life. Well look where that had gotten me. If I could do it all again I would probably do the same though, even if I knew the outcome. I would just make sure to deal more effectively with those who opposed me.

My watch beeped slightly so I knew the intruders had arrived. I had left my gun on the kitchen table so they would know I was unarmed. They would still kill me though. I took a sip from the glass of wine I had brought with me and turned away from the house. I didn’t even feel it happen.

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