Your character is stuck inside a rapidly deflating bouncy castle at a fair.
In this scene, juxtapose their panic with the joyful surroundings of a summer fair.
The Last Happy Birthday
I had to make it perfect for him, I only see him once a week. I can’t believe how lucky I am I get to see him for his birthday.
I thought taking him to the fair would be a great idea. A little wind wouldn’t be an issue.
He was nervous to go on the bouncy castle, I was showing him there was nothing to fear.
But then the branch flew at it.
Luckily I was the only one on it, but it started deflate faster and faster.
My son cried for help as I scrambled to get to him, to comfort him.
But I couldn’t keep my balance and before I could even blink I was covered in the plastic.
I tried to claw my way out, but the weight was too much even for me.
The last thing I hear is my son’s muffled cries for me as he searches desperately for me.
He finds me, but his weight holds the plastic down more, he can’t hear me.
I’ve ruined not just this birthday, but all of them to come.