Free Will

It was the night before of the great exhibition of ideas. People from all over France, from all over Europe would be congregating here to discuss the future of the human race. Existentalism and humanity’s great tragedy- free will

Despite what people would often say, Sartre hated speaking to crowds. His place was beside his Simone debating ideas with his friends, his equals.

Still the importance of this moment was not lost on him.

Pierre on the other hand, did not care about extistentalism and had never pondered the weighty subjects that seemed to occupy the idle. He only knew that when Sartre and his mates were in town the endless talkers would stay up all hours making it impossible for him to clean up and go home. There was no free will as far as he was concerned, just the next overflowing ashtray, the next days work.

Pierre reached out to grab at an ashtray just as Satre teached towards it. Their hands touched for just a moment but the electric shock stunned them both.

The next day just a Sartre was standing preparing to step out and speak to the expectant crowd that familiar electric shock once again gripped him then suddenly it was Pierre standing looking out through Sartres eyes just as he was called on stage

Stunned and inable to think, Pierre stumbled out to the waiting crowd.

“What the hell was free will about then?” He thought frantically to himself.

Lets hope Sartre was having a better time

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