Two strangers caught in the downpour share an umbrella.

Craft a poem or short story around this idea.

Rainy Day

Person 1:

Rain was soothing

Rain was calm

When it rained my mood was the opposite

Of the dreariness of the weather

Rain on my window made me smile

And the faint blue light casted a cozy glow

On the chair where I sat with a good book

While I would've liked to stay inside,

Nice and warm and dry

With no other company except for my novel,

I decided to venture out

Droplets on the glass,

Windshield wipers frantically bouncing back and forth.

I found my parking spot, grabbed an umbrella,

And joined the group of surging, wet pedestrians.

The cafe lights shone, about two blocks away

I was grateful for the umbrella t

That kept the water which a,though it had only started as a light sprinkle,

Now came poring down in sheets.

Then I saw another woman who ran up beside me,

Pulling a hood over her head and weaving between people,

Hurrying to an unknown destination.

I scooted closer and without any words,

Offered her a spot under my umbrella, along with a smile

She smiled back.

Person 2:

This was not my day

Rain always came on the most chaotic days

Down pouring on me

Taking any speck of hope with it,

Washing my good mood down the street and into the drain.

On this particular day, I was running late.

Very late.

I pushed lollygagers and tourists alike

All while pulling my hood over my head

Hoping I wouldn't look as disheveled as I felt

When I reached the office above the little cafe

The lights of the said cafe glowed like a beacon

I focused on that beacon

Surging toward it.

And then, as if she was an angel who had come to answer my silent prayers,

A women leaned in and shared her umbrella

Her smile was genuine, and it was impossible not to return

As we walked side by side,

No words needed

We were content to be dry

And out of the drizzle

Under the safety of an umbrella.

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