Write a story where a character's pet ruins an event.
You can write in any genre, and your story doesn't necessarily have to be humorous!
Mary Brings Her Dog
May decided to bring her dog the psylocybin ritual. She had no choice after her boyfriend who was supposed to watch the dog over the weekend, decided to go on a last minute trip to Ohio. “Random trip, random place, I don’t even want to think about it” says Mary as she’s explains to her friend kat.
I don’t know what to do! This is a spiritual sacred event and I need this awakening. I feel like he will distract everybody”
“I think you’ll be fine.” Says Kat, “I mean a dog is considered man’s best friend. No way can it bring any harmful spirits.
Fast forward
A group of people are sitting in a circle around a bonfire. Everyone is spaced out as they’ve just injested the traditional edible. John is staring in to space with a blank face. His heart pounding and he looks scared. Dafney is feeling her skin. She laughs. Mary is laying on the ground staring at the sky. She rubs her hands on the grass and begins to smile. Kat shows an amazed look on her face as she sits in the grad with her legs crossed. Habibi, begins to speak again “welcome everyone, we have entered this sacred space together. Close you’re eyes and listen to the rhythm of your breath. When you open your eyes you will see your spirit gied…. Ready ? Open !” Everyone opens there eyes
Kat you go first what do you see! Says habibi
“I see a dog” says kat. Mary’s dog is face to face with Kat. Habibi continues “and what message is this he trying to give”
I believe he’s trying to tell me ……. John starts to freak out, that’s not dog, it’s a demonic spirit !!!! Everybody run!!!! Kat looks back at the dog and see’s something completely different. She begins to scream and everyone starts to run!
Kat hides behind the tree next to Mary
“He’s right when I looked back at the dog I saw horns !!!!” “Mary is crouched in a fedle position
“Why the hell whould he go to Ohio, problly yo see some bitch!” She whispers to her self.
Dafney is now behind a Rock crouched in a feeder position “ my skin is melting”!!!!!!!