So What I Think It’s Cute?

Yeah, my girlfriend is always my main topic of most of my stories, kind of, okay not kind of. A n y ways…

        The funniest part about it all is she barely laughs like , for real.      

                Yeah, she “heh” and “haha” ‘s a *lot*. 

         Like a little kinda of quiet sounding laugh. 

              When she *really* laughs, seriously, it’s sorta like a , quiet chuckle, but she wears a loud and sweet smile when it happens. 

Yes, i said her smiles “loud”, 

  and what i mean is she smiles really big and it’s beautiful to me.      

 She does smile when laughing other laughs, but not as big. My favorite part though , obviously, is how her laugh sounds of course. 

Kind of imagine a kid giggling and having that little snort happen. Along with a little “gyuk”, yeah , hers sounds like that. Like she’s little girl giggling at herself being tickled by the tickle monster. So adorable it is. Adorable is about the only way i can really describe it honestly. i love it.

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