Submitted by by Laura Melvin

"I think I just met the happiest person in the world!"

Write a scene or story which begins with this piece of speech.

A Sky Of Clouds And Blood

“I think I just met the happiest person in the world!” Said Natasha as she spread her wings in delight. Natasha was a griffin with brown, silky fur that glistened in the sunlight like stars. “What do you mean?” Asked Chiku. Chiku was a dragon with scales of red and gold and eyes of amber. “I don’t really know to be honest.” Said Natasha, her long tail streaming behind her as she scampered about the territory. Chiku sat up, his glowing, amber eyes narrowing. “What’s that?” He said peering at the eerie mist that hang above the sky. “What’s what?” Asked Natasha, trying to suppress the fear in her voice. She scampered behind Chiku, her ears flattened back. “I don’t know, but something is there.” He prowled closer to the unknown being, teeth bared.

Natasha screeched. There it was, with a mane of gold, wispy fur and smile like the devil itself. It had eyes of toxic green and feathers of brown and bronze. A creature of true horror. “Stand back!” Cried Chiku, shouting over the screeches of the creature. Natasha backed away, her blue, icy eyes just visible in the darkness of the night. Chiku let out a roar that shook the whole earth, like a blood-curdling earthquake. The creature cowered, in Chiku’s presence. It screeched again and took flight. Its spine-chilling figure floating into pure darkness…

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