Please, leave alone my broken soul

Write a vilanelle that includes this in it. A vilanelle is a nineteen-line poetic form consisting of five tercets followed by a quatrain.

Evil woman

Started out in life at an early age

Met this beautiful young lady

Decided we would marry

Biggest mistake I ever made

At first it was all good very normal

Months past and things begun to change

Very demanding hollering arguing

Very possessive the evil starts coming out

Go to hang out with my friends

The evil young lady crashes the party

I try to calm her and take her home

She claws and scratches all the way

Once at home all is good she seems to be ok

Sit around and talk take it to the bed

Morning come and once again

My evil little lady becomes a jealous monster

Hollers, cusses, scratches a feisty little lady

Strikes out of nowhere evil but pretty

I’m trying to calm her down again

I’m leaving I’m out on my own

Written By:

Freddie Lopez


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