A Perfect Murder

What is a perfect murder?

Is it a ruthless killing?

A killing where the red blinds you?

Sinuses filled with blood and gore?

A world painted crimson?

Sinuew and cracking bone?


Is it loud?

Screams which tear through then night?

Screams which break the wine glasses?

A spiderwebbing crack?


Is it a quiet death?

Premeditated and stealthy?

A slightly cloudy scotch on the rocks?

Peacefully passed “in sleep”?

Is it a case where a trail of breadcrumbs is left for detectives?


Has every thing been bleached? Disposed of? Not a fingerprint to be found?

Is it a killing in self defense?


Is it just for the sake of cruelty?

Would it be a killing where the suspect is caught? Tried?


Would the suspect be left on the run?

Would the case go cold?

Is there such a thing as a perfect murder?

Should there be?

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