Write a story that has two parts: one using past tense and the other using present tense.

Which tense you begin in may dictate when the reader connects the dots between the two time frames.

Black Is Not A Color

Black is not a color.****


Black was never a color, it was a curse we made into a blessing.****


God planted her Into the world where her skin color is the only color that got outcasted. ****


From everyone and everything****


She could have been the most amazing being on this earth ****


With her mind of Einstein and her energy that is as bright as the sun****


Yet no one would care just because of the shade of her rosewood skin.****


She was the dark wandering cloud waiting to be seen but she would never know when that day would come because.****


Because of my color ****


I’d one day hope to look up and see 100 open arms waiting to give me a break from the constant isolation.****


No one saved her****


No one understood the constant pain in her chest every time this girl looked in the mirror ****


She wanted to be saved.****


She wanted to be seen as what her dad told her****




The bright star that even the sun is jealous of because every time she smiled the sun could not even compare to the light 


Black Is not a color.****


This girl wants to open up to a world and see grace like no other. ****


She thought she would feel more at peace with people who had no comparison to her skin color just to fit in into a crowd****


Because she felt kicked out of her pack ****


her dean****


Her people made her feel as if her skin ****


would never be enough ****


But those feelings got more bitter and bitter by the day from every tear she dropped ****


But that One black girl. ****


That girl's skin Made of riches the girl whose skin glows in the sun whose light is as bright as an angel falling from the skin ****


She became the most powerful amazing being this world has or will ever see.****


She became The strong black woman.****


Regardless of how dim the world makes her out to be.****


Black is not a color.****


But I shine just as bright.****


Thank you.****


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