Write a spooky story or poem inspired by this image.

Death Will Not Do Us Part

A love so strong, it’d last a lifetime,

and even ever after.

Renew our vows in a mausoleum

with a ghostly phantom pastor.

Boney fingers intertwine—

a love to last the ages.

Spider eggs instead of rice

will be thrown to celebrate us.

A skeleton horse-drawn carriage

awaits us at the steps.

The driver snaps a fiery whip—

we’re sure he must be Death.

Ghouls and goblins cheer alike

as we pass through the cemetery.

A living soul would be terrified,

but to us, it’s not so scary.

Lipless lips join for a kiss—

the end of all our strife.

There’s no one with whom

I’d rather spend

the rest of my afterlife.

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