Submitted by by Laura Melvin
"I think I just met the happiest person in the world!"
Write a scene or story which begins with this piece of speech.
Living Joy
We all know someone like this. They can be a go-getter or a success in their field of genius. They seem to have it all together.
You will think, “I just met the happiest person in the world!”
Let's make something clear, happiness is relative to each individual. You, being an individual, have your own definition of happiness. And yet, we all have that one person we see who continually seems to be happier than we are.
Curiosity has driven my discretion. Gathering my courage I commenced humanizing these beings.
The most unusual response I received came from the question, “how could you be so happy every day?”
To my surprise, their immediate reaction to my inquisitiveness was a big, loud laugh.
“Dear Earthling, there is only living. At times you will experience sadness. Other times you will know fear when it strikes your heart. Happiness will come in and out of your life as the days come and go. And joy will be the familiar calling in the depth of your being. Joy is the experience we secretly aim for.”
“Joy is not limited to the outer world or the material. You can experience it in a daydream. You know the feeling when you sense it. It inspires. It's what we want when we plan our ideal life.”
“It’s been called by many names - carpe diem and yolo to name a few. It has been expressed as - when life gives you lemons, make lemonade.”
“That is what I do. I recognize that I positively always have a choice. I acknowledge that I am temporary in this form. I accept every moment completely, no matter what. Most of all, I live intentionally. You can too.”
“Living in a world of your own, in your mind and body, every moment is divinely yours to live.”