The seat on the left is currently empty. Create a character to fill the seat and write a story involving the two characters.


I always did love Autumn. Cool chills and warmth in one. People busting by in normal speed and hustle but with changes that one can note. Change in their dress, color, even the skip in their step is new.

But it only makes sense.

Ah yes, the Halloween spirit is in the air.

I sit by my favorite cafe, with drink, food and all, and I watch.

People watching is a pass time, as creepy as it may sound, for every single person is fascinating in their own right.

Each to their own, and each their own.


Some though, I find more fascinating than others. Let’s take for example the young miss who’s sat across from me now. I know not what possessed her to do such a thing but before I asked she were to say, “It always breaks my heart when I see the elderly alone. I hope you don’t mind?”

Curious. A complete stranger, yet...

Elderly?” I asked incredulously.

“Oh I’m sorry, I—“ I cut her off resigned. “No, no, it’s fine my dear, I’m used to it.”

She exhaled a sigh of relief, tension practically melting off her shoulders.

The woman seemed to be in her early 20s, bouncing brown hair tied up and loose. Her clothes were neat but slightly askew as if she were fiddling with it repeatedly.

“Say, is you don’t mind my asking, what’s your name, Miss?”

She laughed at that. “Sorry sir. You can call me Emily.”

“You seem troubled, my dear.”

“Yeah, I just...” A sigh. “I just got back from a job interview and it’s just been a mess today, I’m actually heading to another soon but I found I’d rather spend some time to get to know you instead.”

I chucked. “It seems so, Miss Emily.”

Pondering on her issue I drank a sip of my drink and hummed.

“You deserve much more than this, Emilia.”

“What? And how do you know my full name?” She startled.

“I know much, Emilia. Enough to know fate brought you here. And more than enough to know you deserve more. Your heart is pure, you know?”

She flushed at the praise saying, “And how on earth would you know that?”

I hummed and placed a hand on hers. She stiffened before shoving her seat back and promptly tripping in a rush, and landing on the ground. “What?” She said breathlessly.

“What are you? What was that? How did you do that?”

Oh, humans.. ever so curious.

I chucked. “My name is Uriel, little one. I merely showed you a possible path to take for your success.”

I softened and got down to her level.

His children really do feel like merely that— children.

“You will do great things on this earth, and I believe you are smart enough I figure out what I am on your own.”

“What? No! Wait! Uriel!”

But by then it was too late.

I was gone in but a flash.

And only a feather remained.

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