Lost Blades

What if they see it

What if they find it before I do

Oh gosh

They can’t see it

The blades

I can’t believe I lost my blades

They will know what it is

They’ll see the blood

My blood

They can’t know

The would hate me

I know they would

They would kick me out in disgust

They’ll pull up my sleeves

And see the scars

They would probably

send me to a mental institution

Where is it

Where are they

Oh gosh I’m so stupid

We’re did I put them

My blades

Where are they

Last time I cut was in my room

They must be in there

But no because

My parents called me out of my room,

I put them in my pocket

There not there

Did they fall

Oh gosh where are they

If they fell I’m screwed

What am I going to do

Oh gosh

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