Who are we when no one is watching?

Write a poem that answers this question.

When No One Is Watching

When no one is watching, I let my mask slip,

My depression and anxiety really take a grip.

In these moments, my mind begins to think,

Dishes, plates and forks fill up the sink.

Am I still good when there’s no eyes to see,

Or do I allow my soul and mind to pay the fee.

When I’m alone, I allow myself to cry,

To myself, I never have to lie.

When no one is watching, I begin to grow,

Facing my challenges I can really flow.

Alone, I have no one I need to impress,

There is no need to ever second guess.

During this time, I can really begin to relax,

Spending time alone, no one can match.

My time alone, I can sing in the shower,

My inner me can really begin to flower.

When no one is watching, is it positive or negative,

I guess the answer to that one, is that it is relative.

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