Write about an important event in your life from the perspective of someone close to you.
Really try to think about how and why someone else would relate to this event, don't just write about your own experience. It could be a fictional event if preferred.
To Those We Leave Behind.
You’ve left me.
Without remorse you took flight
Spread your wings in your eye-catching fashion
Stretched out and captured the whole world
Captured my world, left me with nay but a burn
A burning feeling that ripped my heart into
Tiny little rainbows everytime I saw your face,
Yet now you’re gone
And so is your love, withdrawn
From me, my kriptonite
The blissful pain I felt in seeing you from afar
Now I can’t do naught but watch you slip away.
Did you even care?
You ripped yourself away from me
Like a preschooler rips a bandaid
They don’t like the colour of, did I
Mean that little to you, little enough
For you to be able to fly away from me
Without even looking back, back to see
Who you were leaving behind, back to feel
Some semblance of human emotion, some pity
For my lonely person?
You’ve left me.
You left me and took my heart with you,
You’ve left me,
My heart beats only for you, yet you took
What was mine,
Left me without a second thought, not a time
Did you sit and think
That maybe I couldn’t bare to live without you,
That maybe I’d sink
Back into the state I was before you, no, you
Simply left me.
_A tear trickled down her eye as she closed _
_Yet another chapter of her life._
_Only difference this time was that it was one_
_Chapter she was not ready _
_To close._