How would you describe silence?
Think about which senses you can use to describe the sound, and feeling, of silence.
Oh Help Me, Labyrinth
A rope around my waist strangled me as I peered into the darkness.
I shined my flashlight down the cave.
All I saw are walls and rocks. Pillars indicated twists and turns. A smile couldn’t help but explode on my face as I peered deeper and deeper.
“Looks like we got ourselves a labyrinth.” Larry said, his familiar catch phrase echoing throughout the tunnels.
“I’m ready when you are.” I said, with a quick tug on the rope, though it couldn’t get any tighter even if I tried. Larry nodded and secured my gear. Clasps and buckles, harnesses and ropes. We could’ve been called professionals if we dared, but really, where’s the fun in that?
I slowly scaled the mountain of rock, holding on as I descend deeper and deeper into the caves grasp.
Larry kept his flashlight pointed at my figure as mine danced throughout the labyrinth.
“It’s like the Grand Canyon underground!” I said giddily, swinging my legs.
Larry laughed, “I’m sure it is. See any treasures?”
I peered deeper through the cave.
It was an open space, not the tight tunnels and holes I was used to. Dark rock built the ground like a vast void.
“Not from the bare-eye, but I bet there’s some beneath this tough layer.” I said, my heart leaping with excitement.
“What was that?” The question barely left my lips before I dropped. The rope hanging slack above me with no doubt frayed ends.
My mind wirled, swirled, unable to think any corhent thoughts.
Heart racing.
I never realized how hard it was to breath when falling.
So suffocating.
So much air flying by as I drop, yet I can’t grab a hold of any of it.
My arms flailed and I tried to grab anything, anything I could reach.
But there was nothing.
Like being trapped in a bubble.
What a mistake.
Oh help me, Labyrinth.
(I’m definitely going to rewrite this I just didn’t have much time today. It didn’t really turn out how I wanted. So sorry <3 )