Submitted by HardCoreWriter
Write a story about a character slowly getting closer and closer to evil.
Try to show the change through their actions and words instead of stating it outright.
I. Am. Evil.
As I look at myself in the mirror, all I see is the darkness that consumes my soul. I cover my eyes as a sinister grin creeps on my face, _no one understand. 😔_
I put on my black makeup that represents the darkness of my mind, and cold blue lipstick just like my cold cold heart. 💙
At this point, my sister barges into my room-unannounced- though, unbeknownst to her, I knew she’d be here eventually; My magical abilities know no bounds!
I glance at her a fleeting look,
“I- I didn’t want you to see me like this, my Neanderthalian counterpart..”
She stares at me with a contorted expression that I know signifies fear, and her response further confirms it,
“dude, why’s it so dark in here” clearly speaking on the aura that I exude,
“…and what’s that smell-“
“It’s too late!” I exclaim,
“my- my soul has rotted, and my heart is wretched”
_The evil has taken over!_ And my sister, woe her, not being able to bask in my dark presence, leaves, covering her mouth and nose and stuttering for mom with interruptions of gaging and retching, all in a most definite sign of defeat. The evil overpowered her 😼.
“The way of darkness is a lonely one” I sigh
*throws on hoodie to cover and shadow eyes and finishes make up 😩