by Hellraidgr @ DeviantArt

Your character hikes to this abandoned but beautiful quarry. Describe their day here.

Where The Green River Flows

I’ve never quite seen a place like this before. I’ve been hiking for years and I haven’t found another spot like this old quarry. They’re pretty common around here but so far this is the only one with a green pool of water. I’ve been curious about it for a while. Todays the day though. Today is the day I dive in and see what’s below. The water itself is pretty easy to see past but the color is what confuses me. Is it coming from what’s below? Or does what’s below look green because of the water? I take off my shoes and any other items I don’t want to get wet and dive in. I know it’s a stupid idea but I swim towards the underside of a cliff. It actually is just a platform to the other side, concealed by the barely there brush. In less than thirty second I pop up the other side and find that it’s not a pool, it’s a river. The whole river is green and it looks like some sort of fairytale. I don’t linger long but I absolutely love the view. The sky is so blue and the sun perfectly sitting just above the horizons edge. The sounds of nature so quiet but striking at the same time. It makes me wonder if the quarry is just a mask, to hide the true beauty behind. How we often try to hide parts of ourselves with the smallest things. A laugh, fake smile. The occasional “I’m fine” when asked how we are. The things we try to hide are often the things that people, well at least the right people for your life, will love the most
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