In The Background

(This is about the one kid talking to the other kid who is in the window)

There goes Shan again. He’s headed off for another mission to defeat the Emperor and his people, while I’m stuck here in this stupid monastery, carring reeds. What the heck?

I’ve been here just as long as him and I’ve mastered every move in the Ancient Books. Master Frido doesn’t even remember my name anymore. Most kids see me as a worker and a lowest class because of my size. Yet, I’ve defeated Shan. I’ve crushed him in battle, but he is sent out to fight while I remain in the background.

“If you’re so upset about it, go talk to Master Frido.” Jins tells me. She is my best friend and the only one who knows the truth about me. She currently had her head pomong outside her room’s window to talk to me.

“For what? He doesn’t even know my name anymore. He completely put me out of his life. It’s like I don’t exist anymore.” I said.

“How could he forget you? You’re his oldest student.”

I sighed. “I know, but then Shan arrived. He seemed stronger, and bigger, and more intimidating. Of course Master Frido trained him and forgot about me. I’m small and female. I was forged into the background.”

“Well, you should talk to him.” Then Jins put her head in her window and left me alone. She was right. I really shoukf talk to him. I would.

I put the reeds down and walked over to Master Frido. Shan instantly backed away from me. He knew not to face me. Especially when I was mad.

“Master Frido, may I request a word with you?” I asked him.

He looked at me like I was a lost puppy. Like he didn’t know who I was. It made my blood boil.

“What is it, child? Can’t you see I’m trying to send off my greatest warrior?” He hissed at me.

I was angry now, furious. “Oh, this won’t take long. Do you know my name?” I asked.

He froze. He thought for a moment. “You’re the reed girl, Asha Lee.”

My heart dropped. No. That wasn’t my name. That was the name of the real reed girl. I was not a real reed girl.

“Master, are you feeling alright?” Shan asked him.

“Yes. Why?”

Shan looked me in the eyes with concern. Wait. What? Why was he looking at me like that? Did he… realize what was really going on? Did he… know what was wrong? Was he… noticing me?

“Master, who’s you’re oldest student?” He asked Master Frido.

“You. What is with these silly questions? You must go off on your quest to hunt the Emperor of Shinti’s son.”

Shinti? Weren’t they once our allies? Whaf happened? It was the Emperor of Wankys that was evil. Shinti was our allies? Why would we attack them? Ever.

“I’m your oldest student.” I said. “My name is Shivani Wyn. You found me as a baby when my parents cast me into a river for being a girl. You raised me to take over the monastery one day when you were unable to.”

Shan drew his sword. “When I met Master Frido, he told me to always remember the originals. He would never forget his own teachings. Then you came along and started sending me on missions to defeat the Shinti, our allies. I should’ve realized it earlier. You’re from Wankys!”

I drew my weapon as well. It made sense. He tried to take over the monastery and defeat us all. He was a monster. That’s why he replaced Shan for me. He didn’t know who I was.

“Fine. You caught me. Prepare to die.” The fake said.

He launched himself at Shan. He blocked him with the sword and threw him at me. I gripped him and punched him seven times, flipped him over, and stabbed him.

Blood pooled out of the wound in his stomach. His skin went gray and his eyes glazed over. He coughed up blood before saying, “Long live Wankys.” Then, he died.

At this point, there was a crowd that had gathered and everyone had seen this unfold. They knew who I was now. Everyone did.

Suddenly, Shan got on his knees and held his sword out to me. “Master.” He said.

Everyone followed in his steps. I was the knew leader of my people. We would fix what was broken. We would become the greatest and most fierce fighters again. It was my plan. It would always be my plan.

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