Write a 500-word story that starts in one genre and ends in another.
Try to match two unlikely genres together, such as humour and horror!
Teddy has been trapped for two weeks, well at least he thinks it’s been two weeks. It is stuffy, small and smells of cigarette smoke and stale beer. He has no memory of getting to this point. There is only one way in and out of this room and he’s only seen the opening a few times. In order to get out he will either have to jump high, which he won’t be able to do due to his height and weight. Or he will have to catch a ride on the metal machine that is lowered randomly into the sea of captives and let’s people go randomly. The only hard part about that machine is that it is very in consistent and sometimes it is days before we see it again.
He is not the only prisoner and has made friends with the ones around him. One calls himself “Dog,” who has the worst breath and really needs a hair cut. He can barely see out from underneath it. Also, what kind of name is Dog anyway? Stupidest name Teddy has ever heard. One said her name was Ele, and she is a bigger lady, or big boned if you will, but Teddy can’t judge because he knows he has a big ol squishy belly. Ele has beautiful, soft, gray hair and has aged well otherwise.
There has to about 20 other prisoners kept here, Teddy thinks. He can’t see every person kept in this hellhole but he can hear them. They all have stories about where they came from or where they hope to end up. Some have talked about wanting to be someone’s prized possession, or the love of someone’s life. Nobody has asked him who he wants to be with or where he hopes to end up. But he does wonder how long they have been held here as well. Two weeks? Longer? He doesn’t know how much longer he can take this. He is very claustrophobic here.
Every night there is loud music, almost like a party going on outside of this room. Maybe that is why nobody can hear them yelling for help?
Teddy and his small friend group has started to accept their fate of being here forever, when out of nowhere they see the metal machine coming towards them. He is filled with excitement, fear and hope. Finally he thinks, “it’s my turn” he whispers. It comes down right next to him and Ele bumps him out of the way and jumps on before he even knew what hit him.
Teddy was crushed. He couldn’t believe that happened to him; that he had come that close to leaving this prison. He had officially given up on trying to leave. When he looked up and saw his savior coming down again. Twice in this short of a time? This time it was coming right for him. He was so close he could feel the warm bed he was going to lay in tonight, the cuddles and hugs he would get from the girl of his dreams. He hopped on the machine so fast and never looked back.
*2 years later*
Ele the elephant and Teddy the bear made it out of the claw machine and happily comfort a little girl named, Holly. She of course gave them both new names, and his new name was Barry, and Ele’s new name was Mrs. Tyke. They didn’t care though. They slept on a comfy bed every night, went on so many adventures, and even went to school!