Luck Or Fate?

I blinked my sight into focus, sharpening my gaze on the walls of the dingy warehouse I appeared to be inside of. As I ran my eyes rapidly across the room, a silhouette in the corner caught my attention.

Standing in shadow is a textbook intimidation technique, revealing that this person was either highly trained and wishing to conceal their identity, or a complete amateur. Taking into account the constant bounce of—his, based on the stance—leg and the shabby job of tying me up, I’d be inclined to guess the latter.

I rolled my eyes. Of all the people to kidnap in Cryathin, no doubt visiting for the annual festivities, this poor wanker had to pick me. Even if I had been practically begging for it, with riches draped all over me. Still, it was a slight inconvenience to my current task, so I intended to have some fun.

The man’s foot shifted slightly, signalling he was about to stand. Swiftly, I twisted my wrist, popping the joint out of place to slip out of the fraying rope binds. After clicking it back into place, I thumbed free the dagger concealed in my sizeable skirts and drew it across the knot, slicing the rope in two.

He didn’t make it halfway across the room before I was standing, free from the pathetic restraints, brandishing the dagger languidly.

I spat the gag from my mouth, curving my lips into a vicious smile. The man halted, far enough away to show he had some common sense to override his masculine pride.

I levelled my flat stare at where I assumed his eyes were, seeing as they were still in shadow. That wouldn’t do.

With a lightning-fast movement, I angled my dagger in the watery sunlight, flashing the brightness into his face and revealing wide, golden eyes. Oh, this would be fun.

That particular shade of yellow was attributed the the Darleson House, one of the more influential families in Her Majesty’s Court.

As well as the House my current target belonged to.

“Now, then,” I drawled, stalling for time as I noted his other features. “Shall we discuss who’s orders you’re on?”


Very well, then. I could play at that game, too.

“Perhaps it was your father who sent you. Then again, maybe you were just looking for a bit of fun, eh, Vern?”

Saying his name had the desired effect, as it usually did with coltish young men who outstepped their bounds and came across me as a result. Vern paled, stepping back as though he’d been struck.

“Here’s how this will work,” I began, strolling towards him at a leisurely pace. “You aren’t going to scream, and I’m going to have my fun.” For emphasis, I ran my blade across my tongue, licking the point.

A dark stain spread across his pants and the stench of urine rose into the arid air.

“And you’re going to tell me everything I need to know about your brother, Kurt. Understand?” I spoke sweetly, my voice like bees concealed by honey.

The duke nodded frantically and I grinned. How helpful. This idiot not only chose to abduct me, but he also happened to be blood-related to my target.

“What a stroke of luck,” I mused, the corner of my lips twitching upward.

Vern was shaking like a leaf, and I was loving every second of it.

My eyes flashed as I trailed off into a whisper.

“Or perhaps it’s fate...”

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