"Hunt down the traitor, and bring them back to me alive."
Write a story in any genre that contains this piece of speech.
You Chose This
I thought she was my friend. There for me, ready to always fight by my side. We rebelled against everything wrong with this world. We’ve fought battles together. Cried together. Watched our friends die together. And one day, I assumed we’d die fighting side by side, just the same…. I was wrong.
The news of her treachery came this morning. A spy. That’s what she was. Sent here to learn our plans and follow our movement in order to report back to the enemy. It broke my heart when I found out. “How long?” Is all I kept asking myself. How long had she been the enemy. The whole time? If not always, then when did she turn? And how is it that I didn’t know?
She left late last night. A note on her pillow that read “thanks for the information. I’m sorry to say you rebels won’t live much longer. This war is over and you’ve lost.” It stung. And I almost didn’t believe it. I thought it was a distraction. She was taken in the night and this was placed to throw us off. But we received news of how she was welcomed back into the enemies ranks. And they were heading right for us. They knew where we were and they outnumbered us ten to one.
I am devastated. My friend, or the girl who I thought was my friend, was a liar all along. I guess I didn’t know her at all…
I took a deep breath and pulled myself together (which wasn’t very hard) No use wondering when I could start acting. Apparently, she didn’t know me at all either. I always have a backup plan. A contingency that I never reveal to anyone but myself. I had secrets too. Except I was clearly better at keeping them. So, I got my flanks together and I told them what we had to do.
There was another secret base only few miles away. Where I not only kept all kinds of weaponry but also a frightening amount of backup. We would immediately head there and in the unlikely case they found us, well let’s just say our odds got a whole lot better. After I finished informing my people, we got moving. Although, i had one last thing to do before we left. I grabbed my third, now second in command and told him three very important things;
“Listen closely, first thing we do once we get to the other base is complete thorough checks on everyone. No more spies, no more liars. Secondly, if you get any bright ideas from this liar and her betrayal, just know I will cut your head off before you even have the chance to beg for forgiveness.”
I waited for his response before I continued. He nodded hesitantly with his wide eyes, full of fear from my words but even more so the fact he knew I wasn’t joking. And then I pulled him even closer.
“Now that leads me to my last order. I want you to hunt down that traitor, and bring her back to me… alive.”
This fight was far from over. And we were nowhere close to losing. I want to make sure she knows that before I kill her myself. And I want her to suffer when she realizes this is no one’s fault but hers. She chose this.