Just Me,You,and The Dead Bodies Around Us.

I’ll never forget the first time I met her.

Hair dark as the night sky,red eyes that shown brighter than rubies.

She was truly a sight to behold.

She was so beautiful, that I forgot where I was. Her smile was so cute and heart-warming that I forgot how I even ended up here. She soon spoke and that’s when I realized where I was, I was in.. a graveyard..?

“Heh, You might want to move, I don’t think that person’s spirit would appreciate you standing on their home.”

I broke out of my trans and look down, I realized what I was standing on, it was someones grave. I panicked and quickly moved.

“Ah! I-I’m sorry I didn’t realize that I was standing on a spirit’s home..?” I said with a hint of worry and confusion in my voice.

“It’s fine, I’ll just tell them you didn’t do it on purpose.” The girl said as she gave me a smile. “So what’s your name stranger?”


“What a lovely name it really suits you.” The girl said I could feel the heat rising up to my face.

“U-uhm thank y-you, mind telling me your name..?” I said now feeling shy from her


The girl placed her hand on her chin as if she was thinking of what her name was.

“Hmm..you may call me Mara.” She said.

“Mara..what a beautiful name.” I said to her complementing her back.

“Why thank you Alois. So, what brings you to my graveyard?” Curiosity in her voice as she asked me a question.

“Well..me and my friends where at this Halloween party in a park and we sort of got split up after running from the police when they came to kick us out of the park for being to loud.” I said in a sheepish tone. Explaining my dumb reason of how I ended up here.

“Ah, so you were the people making such a ruckus.” She said shaking her head.

“I’m sorry..” I said looking down,totally embarrassed about my story.

“No worries, now that the parties over the dead can now rest in peace.” Mara smiled.

“Mara do you own this graveyard?” I said looking back up.

“Why yes I do, I’ve been in charge of this place for years.”

“For years? Wait, what age did you take over this plac-“

“Ah! It’s almost sunrise, forgive me but I must go hope we can meet each other again!” Mara said in a hurry.

“Huh- hey wait!”

Right when I was going to start running after her I tripped over something and blacked out.

Damn it.

When I woke up I was still in the graveyard. Was it all a dream? No it couldn’t be, I’m still in the graveyard remember.


I got up and looked around, no one. Not a single soul, well there’s many souls here but you get the point.

“I wonder where did she-“

“Hey Alois! Guys, I found him over here!”

I heard one of my friends shout my name.

So, they were looking for me..

“Hey dude are you ok? We’ve been looking for you everywhere!”

“I-im fine I just-“

“Ah I shouldn’t ask you all these questions right now, come on let’s get out of this creepy place.”

I started walking out the yard with my friend. I looked back at the welcome sign and sighed.

“I hope we met again too.”

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