Submitted by bookworm
Write a poem that could be titled 'Distorted Reality'.
Circus Of My Dreams
I am trapped in a circus
And I can’t get out.
I am dancing to a tune
I can no longer hear
And the music is terrible
And it hurts so badly
And yet I cannot stop.
I blink,
And the crowd is laughing,
I blink again
And the crowd is gone.
I look up
And there is only darkness
I look back
And all the light has faded.
There is a ring
Around me
A ring
Or a stage
And on the other side
There are people
Who do not
Or cannot
I am on
A merry-go-round
A toy
Of the circus
And it spins
So quickly.
The world
Starts to blur
A days and B days
Mix together
And homework
And dreams
Are inseparable
And I’m spinning so quickly.
But now the spinning fades,
And in its place
Is a dangerous stillness
And I am back in the ring
But the crowd is not laughing
And I cannot tell
If I’m crying
Or dancing.
And look;
The crowd fades away
The witnesses leave
And cool metal
Around my wrists
And neck.
I cannot move
But I need to stand.
I cannot breathe
But death is impossible.
I cannot break free
For there is so much to do.
It grows so dark,
When the tent
Is quiet.
The silence is deafening
In a circus
Without patrons
And the performers
Are monsters
Which is why
We are chained.
But another day dawns,
And the chains fade away:
I cannot run
With audience waiting
Strings tug
At my mouth
Until I am smiling
My mind
Grows numb
And the audience
As one being
Is awed.
The circus is spinning
And faster
All fades away
Into blurry routines
Are we people
Or are we machines
White fangs
On red lips
Deadly claws
Caress your neck
O stranger
To the circus
Of my dreams.