
Wanting, wanting so desperately the desire runs through your bloodstream,

pumping its firey desperation through your veins

sending your body into a state of blissful ecstasy

as desire ceases to exist

and all you've ever wanted-'ll never feel what it is to want again

the thrill of the chase loses its seduction,

there is no need anymore

and no use, anyway.

Nothing to follow

When you've found it all

Nothing to desire

Nothing at all

We grow.

We become tired, and old.

Nothing to chase

Without desire, we become stuck.

Stuck in a lonely place

where everyone, and everything surrounds us

Yet the sense of being all alone

has never been more palpable.

You have it all, they say

What else could you want? They speak, with envy in their eyes

And my reflection is hungry

I long to yearn for life the way I have before



Before Dear, Desire

burned my bones and

Firey flames BURST

Searing my insides,

Burned by craving.

Trapped by my will to want,

I’m paralyzed

With fear of underachievement.

Taking steps is easy-

Standing still is hard-

a truth that has never been more real to me

than it is right now.

Do I let it burn?

Engulfed in flames as bright as the starry night sky,

Until nothing is left

but ashes, and dust.

The blaze running through my soul

Ignites once again-

and I,

am free.

Once I get what I need,

Desire has no home inside of me.

That’s the funny thing about Dear, Desire

Wanting is one thing.

But getting it,

And still not having enough-

Is another thing all together.

Dear, Desire

nothing is ever enough.

You are insatiable,


a glutton for all that is just out of reach.

Dear, Desire

Would everything ever be enough to satisfy?

You are imprisoned by your own will.

Even the depths of the splendorous seven seas,

The unsurpassed beauty of the seven wonders-

All this world has to offer,


could not gratify your limitless


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