A Narrative Poem About Angels

No one expects an angel to burn down the world.

But an angel it may now not be.

An angel is only the shadow of a demon.

A shadow that represents its foregone self.

An almost extinct version of which they will do anything to forget.

For all angels have nightmares of becoming what they are destined not to become.

Of their wings turning black,

Like a heart with no soul.

Of spreading fear through the world with no care who they may hurt.

Of their mind becoming lost in the illusion of power.

Power in which is gained by causing fear.

For one will submit in the name of fear.

One will give up when in knowing what their new leader could do.

But when they wake up, it’s all gone.

But is it,

Because fear looms even when your life is considered pristine,

Maybe even perfect.

Interesting words to be used to describe one so ridden with fear of what they may come to be.

The fear of knowing.

The fear of knowing that the enemy was once one of your own kind.

Knowing, that even demons once had a light past.

A forgotten past, that is now your present.

A past that now means no more to them then the souls that they take in order to please their master.

Or the souls that they would torture in order to add to their wild hunt.

The souls that would follow them for a lifetime, with no refuse.

Just a “ yes master”.

All to conceal their complacent past.

A past that they are willing to burn down the world to forget.

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