She Can Do It

“I can do it, I can do it!” Daphne hyped herself up in the mirror. “Can I do it?” The doubt proved persistent as she held her brush to her hair and took a long look at her reflection. “It’s no use. No use at all, I can’t do it” she placed her hairbrush down on the bathroom sink and prepared to leave the room defeated. She couldn’t understand why she couldn’t do something so simple, everyone else could tie their own hair up, why couldn’t she?

As Daphne’s hand hovered over the door handle she felt herself gain a new sense of ambition. “I can do it!” She turned around grabbed her brush and brushed out her hair with determination.

“I can do it” she muttered to herself as she brushed out the last of her knots. She took a deep breath as she gathered her hair and slipped her hair tie from her wrist over her hair. “I will do it!” She twisted the hair band and pulled her hair through again before repeating the action another two times.

“I will! I can do it!” She felt her hair tighten and breathed a sigh of relief realising she finally tied her hair without getting any strands caught or tying it too loose. “I did it!” She admired her work in the mirror “I can do it, I did it, I can do it!” She wasted no time in running out the room and running to show her Mum her work.

“Well done baby, I couldn’t even tie my hair at your age, why don’t you wear it to school and show all your friends your hard work?” Daphne’s Mum was so proud. “I will, I did it!” Daphne couldn’t get over her accomplishment. “You really did my girl, you really did.”

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