During hard times, you rent out the spare bedroom in your flat, but the people who apply and visit get increasingly more peculiar.

Each character in this short story should have their own clear development arc, showcasing many personalities in one story.

The Flat

It was a hard week, my rent due soon and i need money fast. I decided to rent out the spare room in my flat. I posted the room on airb&b. Within 1 hour of posting i got 5 applications. 1. Hi, my name samatha. Im 21 and in college i need a cheap place to stay till 2 semester. Im studying education, soon ill be a intern. Call me at (598)267-8273 2. Hi, my name is marcus. My parents are kicking me out of their basement and need a permanent home. Ill pay whatever. Im 20 and dropped out of college. I work at Tim hortens. Call me at (598) 376 7373 3. Hey, im Callie. Im a 16 year old. Im Trans and my parent kicked me out. I love to paint and im still in highschool. Call me at (598) 836 0191 4. Hey I’m Bobby, I’m 78 of age and need a care home. This is a care home right? email me at bobbybill@santel.nat 5. Hey, im an millionaire helping poor people. My name is carol. Call me at (598)837 9192 Which one will she choses? Obviously carol and bobby are out. It would be nice to help out a 16 year old but i dont want to listen to the sob stories so shes out too. Samatha wouldnt be that wierd since she will be gone most of the time so that it. “Hey Samatha ive chosen you for the flat. We will split the rent in half so yah. Move in next Tuesday” “Oh my gosh, thank you so so much i appreciat it. How many bathrooms?” “Two bathrooms, yours is next to your room we will share the kitchen. My building has laundry downstairs and it also had a pool.” “Hey since im in school can i pay a quarter of the rent. Tuition is hard!” “No, im a person living alone. I need help with the rent. Etheir pay it all or dont move in.” “ okay sorry, no need to get judgy… sorry. I should’ve said that see you next Tuesday” “Okay see you soon”
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