Write a letter to a friend, from the perspective of someone living 100 years in the future.
What commonplace things might they mention that would surprise a reader now, and how can you use these to drive an interesting narrative?
A Voice Through Time
Hello Edward
I have so much to tell you, but first how are thing? Family ok?
As you can tell by reading this letter, I have managed to source more paper. I now have a small stock pile. It cost me 4 months of my salary. I had to go to an antiquity specialist shop, I also bought pens, envelopes and something called stamps.
I had no idea you needed so many item just to send a simple message to someone. Now we simply think what we want to message and it appears on the Smart Glass. Oh you don’t know about the Smart Glass do you? Let’s see it is a new communication device that the world government has made a mandatory purchase.
It’s scary right? But looking into your time it was just as scary and unknown. I can’t imagine living in a time where you have so many different leaders. As you already know Siri leads us. The Apple company is no longer in existence. Siri took over. There is rumours that a new AI conceinous has awoken and is slowly gaining power. But enough doom and gloom, where was I?
To be honest I find writing difficult we have no need to write. Everything is voice activated. Even cooking and art, simply tell the machine what you want and hey presto!
My hand is tried now, this letter has taken me 8 months to write. I had to trace some of the more difficult letters like g.
Thank you again for telling me about tracing paper. I found some in Australia, it took me 4 hours round trip from the uk. The AtmosBus is so convenient. It just shoot us up, we do a big arc all the way to our destination. I’m planning on having dinner in Japan tonight.
With said I must send this out to the Time Post or I will miss my slot and forfeit my privilege for this most exciting discovery .
All my love to you
Your great great grandson