Jake Blood.

“I know what happened, it’s just when I saw them, I just felt they looked better dead, that they looked better with blood all over their bodies.”

“This is how you defend yourself,” the policeman asked.

Then Jake started crying.

“They looked ugly, they look ugly, the blood was not enough, I should have stabbed them more and more and more. Wwwaauuu.”

“Is he mentally okay?” another police asked questioning the only close guy.

“He was diagnosed with bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, Intermittent explosive disorder.” A policeman who knew Jake answered.

“I’m not crazy! I just wanted them to look good, they looked ugly, they needed more blood or they just needed to be still, so they could look Beautiful. Gorgeous like the people in the cemetery. My girlfriend is in the cemetery she doesn’t move and she is so hot in there, I love her, and I want you all to look like her.”

“How many people did he attempt to kill?” A policeman asked a witness.

“ ten guys, he managed to hurt three, but then they all beat him up and the police got there on time, and when they got him, he tried to kill the police, and he was constantly repeating you look ugly.”

“I just needed them to looks beautiful.”

“We can’t put him in here, he might eat some one, rip their skin off with his teeth.” A policeman asked.

“Yeah that’s true”

As you may already know, Jake was not allowed to stay in any prison in the country, they built him a room inside a house, so he would never escape. But guess that was not enough, he escaped and continued to bleed people and rip their skin off.


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