The person your character loves the most confesses to doing something terrible that could destroy multiple lives.
What do they do?
The King’s Love
" wouldn't-"
"But Joseph, I did! I d-did do it!" Joseph shook his head vigorously as if it would bring any less meaning to her words.
" you didn't!" His eyes were red and puffy as he clung to her desperately. "Tell me...tell me you didn't. Please..."
Her delicate hand graced his jawline. "I couldn't. I...couldn't lie to you, Joseph." He stumbled away as if she'd struck him.
"H-how could you..." He ran a hand through his jet black hair, wincing as if the small task hurt him. "I loved-love you, Mara."
"I know," She stepped towards him, but he backed away.
"No. Stay away from me!"
"And don't you dare call me Joseph! Ever! Guards!" The large golden doors flung open seconds later slamming against the high walls.
"Your majesty!" But it was too late, she'd escaped. Joseph collapsed uneasily into his elegant throne chair. His eyes looked as empty and soulless as his heart felt.
"Your majesty?" The head guard approached the distraught king wearily. "You called?" But the mighty king did not reply. Could not reply, for his soul was then far away from the enchanting kingdom. Never to be seen again.