Write about an event from the point of view of three different characters.

The event can be anything - although try to keep it concise - and you should try to make each point of view clearly different from the others.

Loose Ends

“You must be joking? Our little girl would never do a thing like this?” Brenda said.

Det. Lee looked our at his partner. Det. Badlands extended a hand as they outlined the details of the case. Brenda’s eyes grew wide as they explained the plot her daughter planned against them.

Their words slipped over her. The edges of her vision darkened and sounds disappeared. Thoughts of Lily filled her brain. Waiting for years to have a baby, going through miscarriage after miscarriage. Going into the adoption process, Hugh was so confident but she was afraid. Hearing they had been selected. That first blurry photo on their toddler’s file.

Their baby, their joy, their whole life revolved around their dear sweet Lily. Their miracle babySuddenly panic surged up her thought.

“You’re wrong!” Brenda screamed. “You don’t know her, you don’t know us. We are a happy family!”

The TV was on silence. Hidden in a big comforter on her loveseat, Flora watched the television and scrolled on her phone for news of the case. I’ve done all I can do, she thought. She didn’t want anyone to get hurt but she also didn’t want to get involved. Flora was just a first year teacher in this affluent school district. The rich are different. They close ranks and protect their own.

Flora had overheard the pair talking, Lily Olsen and her obnoxious boyfriend Jimmy Edwards. Smug and entitled like a lot of the high schoolers, but Jimmy had a sharper edge. Flora had watched them. She watched the pair of them with their hard eyes and sidelong glances.

She wanted to believe it was a joke. When she saw Lily talking to Ricky, one of the school’s misfits, Flora’s suspicion sparked. Lily was a queen bee. Flora followed them. When she saw Lily talking to a stranger, an older guy, big and intimidating. Flora sent an anonymous message to Lily’s mom, a warning.

What more can I do? she thought. Tap, tap, Flora walked to her back door. She picked up the note slipped under her door addressed to Miss Davenport. She screamed and sank to her knees in her kitchen.

Arms folded, Lily sat. She didn’t like to wait. She didn’t like to be told what to do. Her parents were always telling her what to do. She couldn’t stand them. Lily wasn’t going to prison. She thought of that idiot and all his mistakes that night. This was all Ricky’s fault. Lily thought of all the people in her way. She thought about convincing her folks the cops were wrong. She thought of her boyfriend tying up loose ends. Jimmy, it was all up to him now. Smiling, Lily stretched and went to sleep.

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