Submitted by Elowyn

Write a short story that exemplifies how good things can come from a tragedy.

The Truth

The Luna and Lana series pt1


Mention of SH, ED’s (Bulima) and vomiting


Im pretty sure that Lana and i have a good relationship. Everyone around us says they wish they had our relationship. I mean, i guess we are rally close, Physically and emotionally, people LOVE the fact we dress opposite, me with my “Emo/Goth” look and her with her “coquette” look with low pigtails and pink bows, and we communicate really well. Except, i think there is something that she’s not telling me. I know she’s insecure about her legs, she told me herself. Even if she didn’t tell me it’s quite obvious. We live in Australia, one of the hottest country’s in the world, but she’s always covering her legs. Whether it be with stockings, tights, or leggings. I mean, i guess i get it. It took me months to show her the deep scars on my shoulders and arms, and i still haven’t shown her the cluster of cigarette burns on the side of my thigh; but i still think as her girlfriend she should be comfortable showing me.

I awake to a strange muffled sound from the room next to me, the bathroom. I really hope it’s not what i think it is. I turn over and she’s not next to me. Great. I sigh and roll out of bed. Lana has been struggling with Bulimia, an eating disorder since she was 14, we’re 22 now. She must have relapsed again. I’m near the bathroom door and instead of hearing vomit like I usually do. I heard… sobbing? Thats new. I go to open the door, but it’s locked. Lana never locks doors. Not even when she’s changing. I start getting worried.

“Lana.” I say knocking on the door lightly “Are you okay?”

No response.

“Lana, sweetheart. Is everything alright? Please let me in.”

No response again.

My gentle knocks turn into loud slams against the door.

“Lana please! Let me in i want to help.” Still after nothing, i start banging my shoulder against the door. After a couple attempts i end up breaking it down. My eyes immediately widen as i see her. She’s on her knees and is curled into herself. I look down at her bare legs, there is blood dripping down them. Fresh, deep cuts scattered all down her legs, from the top of her thigh to the bottom of her ankles. Suddenly, she looks up and me, tears full in her eyes.

“No!! Don’t look at me!” She scream sobs trying to look away from me. I pulled her into my lap and started stroking her hair as she cried into my chest.

“I-I’m sorry!” She cried snuggling closer to me. “I-I -didn’t mean too! I j-just-“

“Shhh” i interrupt. “It’s okay, you don’t have to talk if you don’t feel like it. Okay? I just want you to be safe.”

We ended up in that position on the bathroom floor for hours, with a new understanding and closer bond than before.

Not rlly the theme but whateva xD

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