If I Count The Ways I Love You…

Let’s be honest

No one counts the ways of love.

I can not say I would stop time just to be with you, for those are the empty words of a curious high schooler naive to matters of the heart.

To count the ways I love you is impossible,

but let it be known:

My adoration and respect for you

Knows no bounds.

Your success, my pride;

Your actions, my heart’s capture;

Your physical touch,my safety lock;

Your acts of service, my testimony;

Our quality time,my paradise;

Your words of affirmation,my spark to keep going;

Your gifts ,my works of art.

I love you for you put me first above all.

Your happiness is my responsibility.

Your sadness is my cross to carry.

Your anger is my lava to quench.

Your weakness is my secret to keep.

Your strength is my fortress to build.

Hearts fulfilled.

My Guardian Angel for whom I cherish.

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