Overstimulated (NOT S_XUAL TYPE AAAGGH)


He sat in the large room

Many of his other peers flooded into the close together seats



And wondering whose going up onto the cheep looking school stage first

The lights turn off

And shine onto the principal who is welcoming all and teaching how to act

No talking

No eating

No disrespecting

No leaving

When he leaves a girl comes up

She clears her throat

Picks up the microphone

And sings

He watched silently

Hearing the singing

Hearing the beats

Hearing the others clapping along

And some even singing along

Hating it

It ends and everyone claps

Some whistle

The room filled with noise

His chest pounds

His head hurts

His hands shake

His flight or fight sense kicking in

But no time to think, more people will come up and show their tricks

Lights flicker

People dance

People play instruments

Lights moves

Its getting repeative

People clapping

People whistling

People cheering




But he has to remember the rules

No talking

No eating

No disrespecting

No leaving

Even if hes shaking

Even if his chest hurts

Even if his ears ring

Even if his body wants to move

Even if his voice is shakey

Even if he gets unpleasant butterflies

Even if he wants to cry

Even if he wants to grab onto something

Remember the last rule





(This is based off smth I experienced :,] )

(Also idk if this is considered a poem)

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