
“Come on mother its time for bed.” Said Eliza lifting up on her mother’s arm to help her out if her chair.

“Please dont make me.” She pleaded resisting her daughters grasp.

“Mother you need your sleep.” She said firmly.

“But i dont want to go to bed, the man with no eyes is waiting in the closet for me.” Her mother’s eyes were wide and her voice pitch changed from calm to frightened.

“Mother we have talked about this. I know Your medication makes you see things, but trust me when i say they arent there.” Eliza tried to sound reasuring but it has become more difficult to convince her mother her haliucinations are really there.

“Please… no! He will take my eyes. Don’t make me go in there!” She started to panic as Eliza lead her through her bedroom doorway.

“It’s alright mother. See, see there’s no man here in your closet.” She exclaimed as she opened the door revealing her mother’s clothes.

Her eyes moved from her daughter to the open closet. She stepped forward and felt her clothes with her hands. Moving them aside to check for the man with no eyes. Finding nothing but the white wall behind the clothes.

“You see mom, there’s no man in here. Come now, lets get you into bed.” She held her mother by the shoulders and guided her to her bed. Laying her down she covered her up with the blankets, to which her mom grasped and pulled to ger chin.

“Goodnight mother.” Eliza said softly and she kissed her mothers forehead. She turned at the doorway and looked again at her mother. Still slightly afraid and looking at her open closet door. Eliza turned off the light and closed the bedroom door.

For a moment it was quiet enough that her mother settled down. Another moment passed and no man came from her closet. She relaxed her grip on the covers and repositioned herself on her side and tried to go to sleep.

Closing her eyes she snuggled her pillow, then came the sound of snagging thread of her sheets. She opened her eyes to find the man with no eyes lunge at her mouth and sharp teeth gaping. Her scream was then muffled by darkness.

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