Your protagonist is trying a dangerous sport for the first time. Describe the experience.

Try to utilise the senses to describe the activity and emotions - how does your character feel about the experience?

Forever Afloat The Summit Of The Earth.

Alas, the waves are tall and formidable, nevertheless, I will mount thee and ride thee to all continents and whatever end. From the prism of the beach, I see the threshold of the beach and the water essaying a siege of the beach like the Trojans and myrmidons. I see the ruins of soldiers in the form of shells and the whips and ropes in the form of seaweed. Like Goliath, I step forward into the water with my chariot and sink beneath the murky and obfuscated water. Hasty in my mind and body, but outside am sluggish and struggling. A great wave rises and with that wave travels horses, and with those horses come a master in black. Now, our simulacrums have changed, now I was David, and there rode toward me Goliath, an aberration of a corrupt but once-blooming and bright rose. Regardless, I strode toward him with my board until I reach his nadir, and then, I climbed, but now, he was colossal, like the titan Cronus. His flesh peeled and no point existed where I could grab and hold, and therefore, I began to descend and hounding me came to the avalanche of enraged water. My chariot I laid prone atop of, and gradually, I rose, chary as it were. With his spit being hurled at me continuously, I had to withstand and bear the discomfort of his wrath, until I scaled Yasur, and at last, I tamed the serpopard; I conquered and went out conquering, above the megalodons and mosasaurs. The Helios as my only witness and audience to my expeditions and expropriations. Away I go, with a primordial-enigmatic resource, which never exhausts; a star in the universe, never to burn out and extinguish.

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