
It was almost night time,I went out for a walked but suddenly my shadow appeared,I looked carefully


Then my shadow started making funny things like make a ugly faces,so I started to calm down.Then I think shadow was good,I finally can played with a person now,so I started walking home,my shadow followed me then we played a lot of game.I wonder can shadow ate ? So I make a hot pot but out of my imagination the shadow ate 2x as me,suddenly the door bell started ringing

“Hello dear”someone said

“Oh no shadow hide”I whisper

my shadow suddenly disappeared,I opened the door my wife went in she didn’t really cared about the mess she just said

“Next time don’t make mess”

then she opened the fridge and got a watermelon and let me cut I cut the watermelon and went to bed.

“What a day !”I said

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