You Never Will!

“How could it be abandoned after such a long time?”

Hi, I’m Allison and I am a mum of three gorgeous kids who are my absolute life. They’re as wild as hyenas but I love the bones of them. We recently moved into a lavish house just off the M6 to start a new life from a horrifyingly abusive partner I had who got killed in action during a war.

The house has golden-yellow walls and clear windows where I can see and vaguely hear the sounds of cars rushing past.

“Mummy, when is dad coming back?” My youngest son, Alfie said in a curious expression. When I replied saying be coming back, his face scrunched up in rage and he ran up the wooden stairs saying he was going into his room. It was a hard answer to give him but sometimes truth really does hurt.

I started to walk into the ice-white kitchen to make beef hotpot for tea which is Luke’s favorite (my oldest son) but Korben’s worst (middle child) dud to him thinking it’s ‘too chewy’ but regardless, I decided to cook anyway however, when I was just about to turn the oven on…

“Mum! Mum! I can’t find Alfie anywhere!” Luke cried from upstairs, I asked him if he checked his room and he simply replied saying no so I chose to walk inside his room to see if I could find Alfie. His safety is my priority.

When I walked upstairs, all the bedroom doors were closed except one: Alfie’s room. I entered Skfje’ds room which only had his bed at the time but suddenly, the wall behind the bed opened which pushed the bed to the wall facing this newly found hidden door, I had to look into it.

When I entered the hidden room, scents of decay and mould filled my nostrils which almost made me gag with disgust but I still had to walk further into the hidden corridor until I found…

My ex-partner! He was looking depressed and sad in a ghost-like appearance and my eyes started to narrow at him like I was meeting an enemy I have fought in the past. I demanded him to tell me where Alfie was and my ex-partner Jeff sat there with a neutral expression on his face, this started to make my skin crawl until…

“Mummy! Mummy!”Alfie quickly ran into my arms with tears running down his face. It was great to see my son back but the ghost of my ex-partner started to ask Alfie to come back to him but I decided to scream something to him that I’ve been itching to say.

“You’re never getting him! I love him and you never loved him and you never will!” After I screamed them words of anger, the aggression started to consume me so I snatched Alfie’s action figure out of his hands and I threw it at the ghost of my ex which made his ghost turn into thin air.

“Alfie! I’m so happy to see you bro!” Korben cried as we entered Alfie’s room again. They never got along until this beautiful moment.

This just goes to show that when it comes to lkve, actions mean more than words ever will.

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