“I’ve never met anyone like you before!”

“You should be grateful for that.”

Write a story that contains this section of dialogue. Think about who your characters are, and the nature of this exchange.

Be Mine Already?

“I’ve never met anyone like your before.” I voice, watching the blood fall from my attacker’s nose.

“You should be grateful for that.” He hisses, reaching out for me.

I can feel his left hand grasping my shirt as he stands in front of me protectively. I reach out with both hands and try to grab his hips. I need something to steady me because it feels like the tension weighing down will break me. I am struggling to breathe right now. Something innate and second natured is now nearly impossible to achieve. Once my hands grasp onto him, I inhale a breath.

“Don’t make me break your jaw,” Gus voices, words drenched in venom.

I can feel the man’s gaze on me. My eyes meet his and I can feel the lust behind them—the need for me to be his. So he went for it and shoved me against the wall to undo my jeans. If it weren’t for Gus being here and protecting me, things would have ended very badly. Even with all the fear and rage rushing throughout my body, I can still feel just a flutter of joy to see him here.

“Hey!” Gus yells, gaining the guy’s attention, “don’t look at her! Do you hear me? I will break every bone in your body!” Gus yells, taking a step forward.

My grip causes him to fall back, but he regains his balance and takes both hands, placing them on mine to secure my hands against his waist. Even now, he wants my touch on him as well. He’s falling for me. He hates himself for it, but he loves me. The guy looks at Gus up and down before scurrying back inside the club. Gus turns around to face me, but he doesn’t lose any tension.

“It’s over,” I whisper, reaching up to place his face into my palm, “let it go. It’s over. We are both okay.” I exhale. “I am okay.” I breathe.

“I need to tell you something.” Gus declares, taking his hand to lift my head to meet our eyes. “I am going to tell you something.”

“I already know,” I laugh, causing him to crack a smile on his face, “you love me. We have screamed every reason why we shouldn’t be together.” I scoff, feeling his face bury itself into my neck.

“But we have fought for every whisper that mumbles a reassurance that we could be in love.” He whispers against my neck. “It’s exhausting not to be exhausted by someone,” he sighs, “will you be mine already?” He questions, exhaling like falling for me has been this significant inconvenience.

I laugh, interlocking my fingers with his and dragging him to his car. He brings my knuckles to his lips during the walk back and kisses them. Once we reach the car, instead of opening the door, he pulls me to the trunk and lifts me so I can sit on it. He crawls in between my legs and just holds me there for a little.

“I thought I lost you tonight.” He admits. I rub my fingers through his black hair, “I love you.” He breathes.

“I know,” I voice, admiring the stars that shine brightly above, “I love you, Augustus.” I prevaricate affectionately. “I have loved you since the start of the universe.”

“And I will love you until the end of it.” He promises, looking up at me.

When I look down, his lips are barely touching mine. I can feel him smirk against my mouth as he stands on his toes to shove his mouth into mine. A laugh escapes my mouth as I kiss him. I wrap my arms around him to bring him closer as we continue to kiss. Minutes turn into hours as we get lost in conversations and laughter. Soon his phone rings and he reaches to answer it.

“Hey, sis,” he answers, rolling his eyes. I can hear muffled screaming coming from the receiver. “Time kind of escaped me. I didn’t even realize it was 8 am.” Gus responds. “Some guy attacked Michelle. Look, it doesn’t even matter— “. He stops talking and turns to me. “My sister said that you have to join us for breakfast since you are the reason why I am late for a sibling breakfast date.” Gus deadpans to me.

“I think that’s a fair trade,” I approve, watching Gus’ face light up as he informs his sister we are on the way.

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