Kyle Cleveland @ Unsplash

Write a horror or thriller story inspired by this image.


"Im telling the truth, why does nobody believe me." I screamed. The nurse turned around and nodded. A second later nurses ran in. I cried as they held me down. I could feel them putting the cuffs on my wrists and ankles. I could feel A needle poking my arm looking for a vain. For a few moments that was the worst pain I has ever endured. "How could they do this to me?" I thought before drifting asleep.

Hours later, I woke up with a nurse looking over me like I was a newborn baby. I looked at the nurse with a stare of terror. The nurse had pretty blue eyes and blonde hair. A few second later she started mumbling. All I could make out was, "Shes up." Her voice was calm and low. She looked back and soon enough more nurses came in and started taking the cuffs off. Finally I could move my legs. They felt weak and numb. One nurse left the room and a few minutes later came back with an ice pack. When they took the arm cuffs off, the nurse came over and put one icepack on each wrist. Then she went to the end of the bed and put an icepack on each ankle. My wrist's were all red and in pain.

When one nurse comes to check on me later in the day, she takes off the icepacks and starts wrapping my ankles with a bandge. She then does the same with my wrists. She then looks at me and says, "How are you doing, hunny?" I stare at her for a moment questioning what she just asked. How am i doing? I then reply, "Fine." She smiles and leaves the room.

The next day i wake up and get in the shower. The water is freezing cold and i almost just want to ditch it and just get dressed, but i have not took a shower in 2 weeks. After a moment of thinking, I step in and slowly put my head under the water.

I step out of the shower and dry off. I brush my teeth and get dressed. I walk out of my room for the first time in 4 days, and sit down at a table. I get some weird looks but not anything ive never seen before. A few minutes later, they call for breakfest. When its my turn i take a tray and fill it with, 2 pancakes and hashbrowns.

After breakfest we have group. Then we watch TV. I go back to my room and read a book. I end up picking "Strangers." People here say the book is haunted. I open to the first page.

Eventually its dark out. I have one more chapter then i can go to bed.

One hour later i finish the book. I then turn off the light. I eventually fall asleep. A while later i wake up felling like i could not breathe. When i finally caught my breath i stood up slowley and walked to the bathroom. What was that, i thought as i flushed. When i walked out, i heard the TV go on. "What?" i thought. I thought nothing of it and walked back to my bed when i saw it. I saw a big figure. For a moment i hesitated but went over. It was A TV. "How did this get here?" I sat down and stared at it. Soon it turned to a channel. There was a big man and a little kid. I continued to watch as it looked normal although i was confused how nobody heard it. Who cares, im having fun.

Moments later the big man named "Teddy" takes the little man named, "Carl" and bashes his head into cement. It was all bloody and gore. I screamed as it was terrifying. No nurses came. I then ran out to the day room and nobody was there. Was this a dream? Is this a joke? I call out for someone but its silent. I go over to the nurses station as i thought maybye they were on the other side, but when i look in only on person was in there.


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