Loves Last Look

Freed held his breath and braced himself for an onslaught of anger and harsh words. He gently pushed open the large black door with a pristine gloved hand. The rush of cold air escaping the room rushed past him. His hair blew back as if it were a leaf lazily floating in a chilly autumn breeze. His verdant eyes scanned the dark room, illuminated only by a single candle making it difficult to see properly at all.

Movement in the corner of the room caught his eye. A figure stood from a luxurious plush chaise, a woman. She was draped in a fine silk dress the color of freshly fallen snow, her body was adorned with many bracelets that shone gold in the light of the candle. Her skin was a deep midnight pitch, as if she was bathed in ink. Her hair was curled and bounced as she walked into the light of the candle, a solemn look on her countenance.

“Arc..” freed said under his breath, watching the woman walk towards him. He admired her beauty greatly, taking great time to look over her as she approached. She said nothing to him as she finally stopped in front of him just inches away. Her scent reached him, it was a light smell of brandy and sweet flowers. She still, remained silent as she looked up at him.

“Will you please tell me,” Freed began before he was interrupted by a kiss planted on his lips. His eyes widened for a moment before pulling her closer giving into the urge, the need, to be closer to her. The two kissed passionately in the flickering candle light. Freed’s fingers danced lightly over the skin her dress left exposed. He traced the white freckles on her skin tenderly as if trying to learn their pattern.

They kissed and embraced one another for what seemed a lifetime. Though after some time freed pulled himself away from her. He held his gaze to the floor as he tried to catch his breath. He held her back at arms length trying not to get swept away again.

“Freed.” She said softly taking his large hand in hers.

“I love-“ she began before he lurched at her holding his finger to her lips.

“Do not.” He said firmly, the look in his eyes pained. “Do not give me hope where there is none.” His words stung her like venom.

“I knew you to be cruel, Arc, but I did not think you this cruel.” Freed let go of her slowly taking in the image of her one last time before swiftly exiting the room.

Arc was left standing amongst the dancing shadows that the candle cast. Tears forming in her eyes while the soft sounds of midnight echoed outside.

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