I Am A Moth

The world is full of butterflies

They’re alluring colors

And the unmistakable bounce in their flight

They never fail to look alive

They always catch your eye

But i am not a butterfly

Because i am a moth

Where butterflies have vibrant colors

Shining blue and red and yellow

My colors are dull

Muddy greens and shades of brown

A speck if yellow here or there

Everyone loves a butterfly

Always seen as good luck

But when people see a moth

They cower or swat

and never try to see past

The frantic awkward flapping of wings

But if you look closely at that moth

Youll see swirls of life

Their soft fluffy bodies

And bushy antenna

And their wings covered in the prettiest layers

Of sparkling dust

To be a moth means change

To accept transformations and differences

I may not be a pretty popular butterlfy

But i think im just fine

Being a moth

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