Submitted by Arnold Carroway

Write a scene that takes place in mid air.

It could be from anyone, or anything's, perspective.

The Fall

Escavar plunged into the darkness. Breathing was impossible. He franticly tried to find something to hold onto. But it was to no avail. Then he remembered something, “Susen!” He attempted to shout. But the words would not come out. He felt like he was floating but also tumbling. He floundered hopelessly through the air. The black void was suffocating. His head pounded angrily and his throat tighted as the world grew stuffy. The only thing he could hear was his heart beating. “Please, not now,” he thought hopelessly. But then, out of the dark there came a small light. And that light grew until it was all Escavar could see. It was blinding and awe inspiring. Time seemed to stop. The pain ceased and the pounding went silent. Two thundering words came out of the light that dwelt in front of Escavar. “Dive in,” it said. All of the sudden, breath. Escavar gasped as air finally struck his face. Then he dove into the light and it surrounded him.

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