Write a story titled "When I Look in the Mirror".

Mirror Mirror That’s Not My Reflection

You are not the reflection of me is this my soul trying to scare me into the depths of nothing to get me to see who I really I’m. I’m I not a good person or I’m I that reflection of madness twisted with ratchet thoughts bound by the laws of the universe I stand before myself in a mirror tormented by the hideous truth that the reflection is truly me heart blackened by fate unknown origin a disgrace to my taste as the reflection stares me down I have no fear but to face the facts that I no longer have the control of my destiny but darkness takes precedence over my loins. To no avail I try to escape the madness the reflection of death blackens the light of its fragile rays distorted figures shadowed by an abyss of black matter to intense for the brain to comprehend. I push back the reflection eyes locked that can’t be me I’m I not a good person or is that just the other side of me I don’t want people to see. It’s always there watching and waiting for me. My reflection is all of me.
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