
Submitted by Faust

An angel's wings grow with the good deeds their person has done for people. A young girl meets her guardian angel for the first time. They don't have any visible wings.

Write a story following on from the prompt


She smiled warmly as she helped, handing plates of food to the men and women in rags. She gave them blankets for the winter months. She cleaned up the public parks with her parents and passed out gatorades to the joggers. She donated clothes, toys, and allowances.

The older women gushed over her, “your parents must be so proud to have such a wonderful young lady as their daughter!”

Teachers always spoke highly of her, “she is a wonderful student!”

Everyone had told her that her guardian angel must have amazingly beautiful wings and they couldn’t wait for her to meet them. She grew to believe that she was perfect and her guardian’s wings must be as well, so why..?

Why was she standing here, looking at her guardian who had no wings? “You must be confused,” she said, “my angel is supposed to have big, beautiful wings because I’ve done so many good things for others.” The angel frowned and called out her name. “You did not do these things for others. You did them for your own personal gain. Your selfishness has ruined every single act of good you have done. You were hungry for acceptance, praise, and profit. That corrupt nature is the very reason for the lack of wings you are witnessing.” She stood in shock, her mouth hanging open.

A sudden surge of anger courses through her, “I don’t deserve this! I have been the perfect daughter and a blessing to society! How dare you!” Her response drew a scowl from the guardian.

“You deserve nothing. You may think you deserve more, but it is not you who benefits from the wings. It is not you who needs them. For you it is bragging rights and because of that, I, as your guardian, must bear the weight of gravity as you must bear the weight of your selfishness.”

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