
I woke to a strange humming noise and the odd sense that something was very wrong. Shock gripped my heart as I realized I could not feel my legs. Willing the top part of my tired achy body to rise I looked down and could see the outline of my legs. They appeared to be just beneath the thin white sheet that covered me. My mind teetered between relief that I was till in tact and fear of how I had gotten into this situation. The room was gloomily lit by long fluorescent lightbulbs. Next to me was an IV bag with a line running right into my hand. Frantically I ripped the tape holding the needle in and pulled it out of my skin. I had to leave this place, but no matter how I willed my legs to move they wouldn’t budge.

While trying to shift in the bed I heard a noise from outside the room. Footsteps growing louder until they were right outside the door. My heartbeat thundered in my ears, ice water rushing through my veins. After what seemed like an eternity I heard a faint click and the footsteps left down the hallway until I couldn’t hear them anymore. Nausea and dizziness overwhelmed me and I fell back into the bed. Escape was the only option, even if I had to crawl out. With one great heave I mustered all my strength and launched my upper body towards the right side of the bed. My arms hit the cold tile and my legs fell clumsily behind me. One arm at I time I pulled myself forward toward the window. I gripped the edge of the wall and pulled my face into the frame of the large window.My heart sunk when I saw a woman’s face, but then realized it was just my reflection. Outside it was dark and I could see the stars. I looked down and when I did not immediately see ground my hopes for jumping out the window were gone. I had to be on a high story. There was only one way out. I crawled to the door and reached as hard as I could until my finger tips reached the lever. Slowly and as quietly as I could I opened the door just enough to fit through. The hallway was so bright it was blinding. I could hear people, the sound of soft voices and movement. To the right I could see two large double doors, next to it a bright red button. It was my new goal. The pain in my elbows was deadened by a sudden dose of adrenaline. I moved with everything I had left in me, but I made it only a foot before the door opened. A man with loose fitting blue clothes and a clipboard walked through and yelled down the hallway.

“We have a patient here trying to get out!” He and other people suddenly surrounded me, grabbing at me and talking all at once.

“Ms. Howard you need to be in bed!”

“She’s ripped out her IV!”

I screamed and squirmed to get away but the men and women in strange clothes pulled me back into the room and onto the bed.

“Let me go! You can’t keep me here! People will look for me and call the police!” I directed my protest at the woman closest to me.

She looked down at me with wide sad eyes.

“Ma’am we aren’t trying to hurt you. You are in the hospital. You are very sick.”

“Don’t bother.” A tall and hairy man at the foot of my bed said while adjusting my legs.

“She will forget everything tomorrow. Her amnesia is only getting worse.”

His words echoed through my mind as they all left with somber faces. I didn’t have amnesia. I wasn’t sick.

Cold fluid leaked into my veins from the new IV and I drifted into darkness.

I woke up to pain. It radiated through my body, especially my arms. Everywhere except my legs. My heart skipped a beat. I couldn’t feel my legs.

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